The DISCSEEL Procedure is proven to seal and heal damaged, torn spinal discs confirmed in placebo controlled studies.
The DISCSEEL® Procedure is the only minimally-invasive, patented procedure that treats back and neck pain resulting from torn, damaged spinal discs.

Non-Surgical Flexible Option
Significant Improvement in Pain
12,500+ Successful Procedures
The DISCSEEL Procedure has been successfully completed on patients from around the world.
More Than 82% Success Rate
Patients have found long-term back and neck pain relief with the DISCSEEL Procedure.
Get to know the DISCSEEL® Procedure
The DISCSEEL Procedure is the only minimally invasive procedure that regrows and heals spinal discs permanently to treat low back pain, sciatica, and neck pain.
Natural, Injectable Biologic Treatment

Find Out If you’re A DiscSeel Candidate

See how leaky spinal discs cause pain and inflammation. (WATCH VIDEO 0:27)
What is Leaky Disc Syndrome?
Patient Testimonials
Watch these personal stories of real patients’ experiences with the DISCSEEL Procedure and the difference it has made in their lives.
Rick Hart
Rick had intense back pain for ten years and tried multiple treatments that failed. The DISCSEEL Procedure solved his pain. Rick says now he can focus on his business instead of his back pain.
Erica Knudsen
Erica now says that the DISCSEEL® Procedure has “100% turned her life around” and allowed her to get back to the things she loves, like running.
Sean Gilbert
Sean wanted to find a solution to his back pain that didn’t involve putting hardware in his spine, so he chose the DISCSEEL® Procedure. Now he’s living pain-free and has been able to return to the lifestyle he loves.