Find Relief From Sciatica

Sciatica, a condition characterized by pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, is a common source of discomfort for many individuals. While mild cases of sciatica may improve with rest and conservative treatments, severe or persistent cases may require more comprehensive interventions. Innovative procedures like Discseel® offer a promising solution for addressing the root cause of sciatica by targeting damaged spinal discs. 

  • Spinal disc issues play a crucial role in the development of sciatica by directly impacting the sciatic nerve.
  • When a disc herniates, its inner gel-like material leaks outward and can cause inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
Women's thighs pain


How The Discseel® Procedure Helps Sciatica

Discseel® provides a promising solution for individuals suffering from sciatica by targeting the underlying cause of the condition.

Sciatica often results from irritation of the sciatic nerve due to damage or degeneration of spinal discs. The inner gel of the disc leaks and it causes inflammation to the nerves and tissues surrounding the disc. 

The Discseel® procedure addresses this by sealing tears or fissures in the damaged discs and stopping them from leaking.  Discseel® alleviates the inflammation and the pain it causes. 

As a minimally invasive procedure, Discseel® offers a safe and effective alternative to traditional interventions for sciatica. By targeting the root cause of the condition, Discseel® provides long-lasting relief and improved quality of life for individuals suffering from sciatica, allowing them to regain mobility and resume their daily activities without the burden of persistent pain and discomfort.

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Symptoms of sciatica can vary in intensity and presentation but commonly include:

  1. Sharp, shooting pain that radiates from the lower back down through the buttocks, thighs, and legs, following the path of the sciatic nerve.
  2. Numbness or tingling sensations along the sciatic nerve pathway, often accompanied by a sensation of pins and needles.
  3. Muscle weakness, particularly in the leg or foot on the affected side, making it difficult to move or bear weight.
  4. Burning or searing pain that may be localized or spread out along the length of the affected leg.
  5. Difficulty with balance or coordination, especially when the sciatic nerve compression affects the muscles responsible for stability.
  6. Sensitivity to touch or pressure along the path of the sciatic nerve, indicating inflammation or irritation.

Early diagnosis and appropriate management can help alleviate symptoms and prevent long-term complications associated with sciatica.

Benefits of

The Discseel procedure

patients are up and moving within 24 hours of the discseel procedure

minimally invasive procedure without surgery

Over 7,000 procedures with an 83% success rate

Procedure normally takes less than one hour